
Article Title: Changes to MaineCare

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Changes are coming to MaineCare, and your coverage will need to be renewed soon.

What you should do now: Update your address – if you’ve moved, let MaineCare know your updated address, so they can contact you about your renewal. Make sure they also have your current email and phone number to reach you when it’s time for renewal. You can call 1-855-797-4357, option 1 to update your information through an automated system, or visit

Stay connected to stay covered!

What you can do later this year: Complete your renewal form. MaineCare will send you a renewal form by mail or e-notice that you need to complete. This form will arrive between April 2023 and March 2024. To make sure you do not miss it, be on the lookout for the envelope with a blue block with the renewal information and instructions. If you signed up for e-notices, you will get a message in your account when it is time for your renewal. When you get your renewal form, fill it out and return it right away to avoid a gap in coverage.

If it’s blue, it’s time to renew!